A bipartisan group of lawmakers unleashed a last-ditch effort on Wednesday to, at the very least, force the administration of President Barack Obama to publicly reveal the contents of corporate-friendly trade deals before attempting to ram them through Congress via controversial Fast Track legislation.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) introduced the Trade Review Accountability Needs Sunlight and Preview of Any Regulations and Exact Negotiated Components Resolution on Wednesday. The legislation, which has 16 co-sponsors, “requires any proposed trade deal to be made publicly available for a minimum of 60 days before it can qualify for a vote that would implement Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), sometimes called ‘Fast-Track,'” according to an announcement from Kaptur’s office.

The proposed legislation comes with the House Fast Track vote just around the corner—possibly by the end of the week. Civil society and social movement organizations across the globe have vigorously opposed this effort to ram through multiple secretive deals currently under negotiation: the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and Trade in Services Agreement. Grassroots groups warn that the contents of these agreements—or at least what is known of them through leaks—would be a boon to corporate power worldwide, at the expense of people and the planet.

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