Russian trolls and social media bots set out to pour fuel on the fire of debate about vaccines, a new study has found.

Researchers at George Washington University in Washington DC found that, using tactics similar to those seen during the 2016 presidential election, a series of Twitter accounts set out to sow discord.

The accounts tweeted both pro- and anti-vaccine messages, in an apparent attempt to stir up a fierce debate, while bots that spread malicious software appeared to use anti-vaccine messages that inflame strong responses from both sides to attract clicks.

"The vast majority of Americans believe vaccines are safe and effective, but looking at Twitter gives the impression that there is a lot of debate," said David Broniatowski, an assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

"It turns out that many anti-vaccine tweets come from accounts whose provenance is unclear.

"These might be bots, human users or ‘cyborgs’ – hacked accounts that are sometimes taken over by bots.

"Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many tweets were generated by bots and trolls, our findings suggest that a significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas."

The research, published on Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health,  showed that the trolls were users connected to a Russian propaganda effort run by the Internet Research Agency, a troll farm.

They were identified by the researchers through a list released by Twitter to Congress that was further refined by NBC.

Twitter bots were identified through bot repositories and spanned a range including spambots that are clearly non-human and “content polluters” that spread malware or try to scam people.

The team behind the research found that, between 2014 and 2017, Twitter accounts identified as Russian trolls were 22 times as likely to tweet about vaccines than the average user.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and the University of Maryland also took part in the study.

Mark Dredze, associate professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins, said: "These trolls seem to be using vaccination as a wedge issue, promoting discord in American society.

"However, by playing both sides, they erode public trust in vaccination, exposing us all to the risk of infectious diseases.

"Viruses don’t respect national boundaries."

The report comes as health experts in the UK warn that measles is on the rise in Britain, owing to parents refusing to vaccinate their children following widely-debunked concerns about the safety of the MMR vaccination.

Jon-Patrick Allem, a research scientist at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, told The Washington Post that to combat the problem social scientists first had to understand how it influenced people.

“The research I’ve been exposed to — and a lot of it is in the works right now — shows that Russian-backed accounts were designed with the intention to create discord on very particular and very nuanced issues in American culture,” he said.

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