The victim of a 2007 gang rape spoke out against the ‘bleeding heart brigade’ of plane passengers who angrily protested one of the rapist’s deportations in a viral video.

Hannah (a pseudonym since she does not want to reveal her name) was sixteen when she moved out of her parent’s UK home and into a hostel, according to The Daily Mail. While out late one night at a bar in August of 2007, she lost track of her friends and was led to a flat where Somalian Yaqub Ahmed and three others brutally gang raped her until she finally escaped. Neighbors heard her cries and alerted the police who arrested all four men.

Three of the men were given nine years; 19-year-old Yaqub Ahmed, 19-year-old Adnan Mohamud, who owned the flat where the rape took place, and 21-year-old Adnan Barud. 19-year-old Ondogo Ahmed, who was given eight years for conspiracy to rape, eventually snuck out of the UK to join IS and is believed to be dead, according to The Daily Mail.

Yaqub Ahmed was scheduled to be deported in October of 2018, but passengers on his deportation flight to Turkey began angrily and vehemently protesting against his deportation, saying repeatedly, “Take him off the plane!”

“He says they’re separating him from his family, his family’s here,’ one man says in the video, while another man says, “When he gets to Mogadishu, they’re going to kill him.”

When the four man Home Office team finally gave in to the passengers’ protests and took Ahmed off the plane, one of the passengers can be heard shouting, “You’re free, man!” Now, five months later, Ahmed remains in jail at taxpayer expenses of at least £18,000, according to The Daily Mail.

Hannah learned of the video five days after the events took place. Now she tells The Daily Mail, “I couldn’t bring myself to watch the video at first, I just read the article, but when I finally did watch it, I was in my room and it was just awful. I got so angry and upset. I feel like I should have been told, so I didn’t have to find out in the way that I did.”

She also told The Daily Mail that she was horrified that these passengers would interfere in a case they knew nothing about.

“How could you defend a rapist?” She asked them, in an interview with The Daily Mail. “How could you intervene? He was in handcuffs, he was being taken out of the country… who are you people to interfere with justice?”

The video deeply disturbed Hannah and has caused her mental health to deteriorate, making her afraid to go more than two miles from her home. The Daily Mail reports that she had already been coping with the very complex post traumatic stress disorder caused by her rape.

“A lot of the time I just feel hopeless, it’s never going to end, I’m never going to get away from it,” she told The Daily Mail. ‘They need to deport him. How have they allowed this to happen? It’s an absolute farce. I thought there was meant to be victim’s rights. Where are my rights here?”

Hannah expressed the belief that the passengers on the plain were displaying a mob mentality, thinking they were performing a good deed when they realistically had no idea what was going on.

“It’s the bleeding heart brigade,” she told The Daily Mail. “They see someone in handcuffs and they are assuming it’s an injustice.”

“Those people should have realised it takes a lot to get someone deported, maybe we shouldn’t interfere. It was just people who wanted to do a good deed and feel proud of themselves.”

A Home Office spokesperson told The Daily Mail, “We are determined to protect the public by removing foreign national offenders who commit criminal offences. We are committed to ensuring that the victims of foreign national offenders receive the information they are entitled to should they request it.”

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