Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Some highlights:
Edge’s Recovery from Surgery: “I talked to Edge mere minutes after his Achilles tendon surgery last week and he had a more positive attitude about returning to the ring than most would. Edge has been faced with many challenges over his career and if any one can return and be as good as they were before they were hurt then it will be him. However, we should all be realistic about this situation as Achilles tendon injuries can be devastating for an athlete that maintains a schedule like Edge. My money is on Edge to return ready to rock, be more popular than ever and perhaps even possibly having a one on one match with Chris Jericho at WM26 which could be a show stealer. Yes, that’s all speculation but a guy can dream, can’t he?”
Brock Lesnar: “I did a radio interview yesterday on KREF here in Norman which is a sports talk station AM1400 and Brock Lesnar and UFC 100 still seemed to be the topic of the day. I find it unwise for those to think that UFC officials don’t love Lesnar for a variety of reasons but specifically for the income he is and will produce. Every great promoter wants and needs a great villain as, especially in today’s world, fans are more likely to pay their hard earned cash to see someone get their ass whipped that the fans detest than they will to see their favorite competitor roll over someone.”
Seth Green Hosting Raw: “I enjoyed Seth Green’s appearance on Raw Monday night and am still waiting for my check for my ‘likeness’ appearing on WWE’s Flagship Broadcast. That’s likely as close as yours truly is going to come to returning to Monday night’s variety/ sports/entertainment juggernaut to answer a question that many keep asking on our Q&A section of this site.”
** Rey Mysterio UNMASKED During Match With Chris Jericho In Japan (PICTURES)