
Nearly six in 10 Americans have a positive view of labor unions, signifying growing support for workers that has increased by five points since its lowest numbers in 2009, according to new polling.

A Gallup poll conducted in early August found that 58 percent of Americans overall approve of labor unions, with 37 percent in favor of them having a stronger influence in U.S. politics—a big increase from its lowest numbers six years ago. Meanwhile, those who want unions to have less influence has dropped to 35 percent, down from 42 percent in 2009.

Despite that growing support, however, the majority of Americans believe that union power is weakening, the survey found.

Public support of organized labor was at its historic peak in 1936, when 72 percent of Americans viewed unions favorably. Numbers began to dwindle in the late ’70s, and went up and down over time, but never reaching higher than 66 percent support in the late ’90s. In 2009, only 48 percent of Americans supported labor unions.


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