
Following last night’s Ring of Honor event in Edison, New Jersey, owner Cary Silkin removed Gabe Sapolsky from his head booker’s position in the company. There was no major blow up as the company is simply going in a different direction.

Sapolsky had been with Ring of Honor since its inception in 2002. He is completely gone from the company.

ROH issued the following statement on the company website today:

Ring of Honor is announcing that Gabe Sapolsky will be leaving the company effective immediately. Everybody at ROH would like to thank him for his contributions and wish him well in all future endeavors.

Going forward Ring of Honor will be focusing on the stories and the talent in the ring. The company will have no further comments on this issue or a replacement for Mr. Sapolsky. We would like to thank all of the fans and media who have supported us over the years and look forward to bringing you more great wrestling excitement in the future.

See *NEW* pics of Edge (*LOOKS DIFFERENT*)

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